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Ομιλία Καθ. Frank Leymann_University of Stuttgart_CSD_Δευτέρα, 16/6/2014, 11:00, Κ206

ΘΕΜΑ: Ομιλία Καθ. Frank Leymann_University of Stuttgart_CSD_Δευτέρα, 16/6/2014, 11:00, Κ206

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Gramateia Proptyxiakou CSD [mailto:ugram@xxxxxxxxxx]


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Την Δευτέρα, 16/6/2014, στις 11:00 - 13:00, στην αίθουσα Κ206 των κτιρίων 
του Τμήματος Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών στην Πανεπιστημιούπολη Ηρακλείου, 
ο Καθ. Frank Leymann θα δώσει ομιλία με τίτλο:
“Building Applications for the Cloud: The Wrong, the Right, the Solid Way”
Summary: Since the advent of Cloud Computing Technology the question
of how to use the cloud for moving existing applications to the cloud
or how to build new applications for the cloud gets more and more
pressing. In our talk we describe the major pitfall to avoid, namely
simply bursting virtual images of stacks of applications to the cloud.
Next, we describe the TOSCA standard that is targeted towards
applications that are portable across multiple cloud environments, and
that fosters application structures that make use of cloud benefits.
Finally, we motivate the uses of best practices (“patterns”) of how to
architect applications that fit best into a cloud environment.
Short CV
Frank Leymann is a full professor of computer science and director of
the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) at the
University of Stuttgart, Germany. His research interests include
service-oriented architectures and associated middleware, workflow-
and business process management, cloud computing and associated
systems management aspects, and patterns. Before accepting the
professor position at University of Stuttgart he worked for two
decades as an IBM Distinguished Engineer where he was member of a
small team that was in charge of the architecture of IBM’s complete
middleware stack.  Η ομιλία θα μεταθοθεί ζωντανά από το vod.ucnet.uoc.gr 
Επισυνάπτεται η σχετική πρόσκληση. 
Ρένα Καλαϊτζάκη 
Προϊσταμένη Γραμματείας 
Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

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