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Partner search: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people-H2020-SEAC-2014-1 - Frederick University, Cyprus

ΘΕΜΑ: Partner search: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people-H2020-SEAC-2014-1 - Frederick University, Cyprus

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Eleftheria Alefandinou [mailto:alefandinou@xxxxxxxxxxxx]


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Dear colleagues,


The Frederick University, in Cyprus, is looking for partners for the submission of a project proposal under the Horizon 2020 programme: Call for making science education and careers attractive for young people - Topic: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people-H2020-SEAC-2014-1 (http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2423-seac-1-2014.html#tab1).


Robotics in the classroom has taken a global momentum especially because of their positive contributions in the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The project ‘Creative use of Robots in Education for Attracting sTudents In Vision Experiential learning (C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E.) in STEM’ aims at:
·         Attract boys and girls in STEM through robotic activities
·         Develop a robotic package (using materials that can be easily found in any DIY  store – off the shelve material)  and a programming platform (user friendly drag and drop programming environment)
·         Create and test curricula for robotics as a subject matter for formal educational settings (secondary school - Science courses) and for informal educational settings (i.e. Robotics Academies, Technology Institutes and  Camps)
·         Create and test interdisciplinary curricula for primary school students (Mathematics, Science and Design and Technology Courses)
·         Train teachers on employing robotics as a subject matter and as a tool within the teaching and learning process
·         Define and test a comprehensive pedagogical theoretical methodological framework for assessing the impact and benefits of learning with/through robotics.
·         Introduce  children in robotics exhibitions and competitions as a means to boost  their creativity and competiveness


Type of partners sought: Universities (Educational Technology, Science Education, Mathematics Education, Robotics and Computer Engineering), related Research and Educational Units/Centres, Primary and Secondary Schools (Public and/or Private), Ministries of Education, Association of Science Teachers, Technology Institutes / Camps / Clubs


Deadline for proposal submission: 2 October 2014


Interested parties are kindly invited to express their interest as soon as possible and no later than 30 August 2014 to the following contact person:



Lecturer in Educational Technology

Frederick University

E-mail: n.eteokleous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Facebook: Nikleia Eteokleous

Skype: nikleia

Twitter: @nikleia

Tel: +357 25 730975, ext. 133


Thank you for disseminate this partner search among your contacts.



Kind regards,

Head of Brussels Office

European Office of Cyprus
Rue du Luxembourg 3, 2nd floor
B-1000 Brussels
Tel./Fax: +32 (0) 2 280 22 85
E-mail: strevinioti.rozamaria@xxxxxxxxx



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