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Joint IMBB & ICS Seminar - Ioanna TRIVIAI, October 2nd 2014 @ 15:00

ΘΕΜΑ: Joint IMBB & ICS Seminar - Ioanna TRIVIAI, October 2nd 2014 @ 15:00

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Maria Stiakaki - IMBB Secretariat [mailto:mariast@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]






Dr. Ioanna TRIVIAI
Junior Group Leader - Stem Cell Biology Group
Clinic of Stem Cell Transplantation, University Medical Center Hamburg
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
And Heinrich – Pette Institut, Leibniz Institute for Experimental
Virology, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany


Title: "Neoplastic stem cells in hematopoietic niche disruption: the paradigm of Primary Myelofibrosis".



Thursday, October 2nd 2014 @ 15:00

Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]



Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are chronic hematological malignancies characterized by expansion of aberrant myeloid progenitors.
Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) has the worst prognosis of all MPN and involves massive disruption of the hematopoietic niche leading to fibrosis/osteosclerosis development and/or transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In our studies to elucidate the trigerring event in PMF we identified a neoplastic stem cell population in patient peripheral blood responsible for disease initiation and development in vivo. Identifying the neoplastic stem cells in myeloproliferating neoplasms will provide the basis to decipher complicated niche
interactions implicated in evolution of the chronic phase and leukemic transformation and introduce new therapeutical targets to eradicate the disease.

Dimitris Kafetzopoulos
Post-Genomics Applications Lab
Institute Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

Emmanouil G. Spanakis, PhD.
Computational Medicine Laboratory
Institute of Computer Science


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