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UNITO T2M - COFUND 2nd CALL launching

ΘΕΜΑ: UNITO T2M - COFUND 2nd CALL launching

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Michelidaki Eva [mailto:michelidaki@xxxxxxxxxxxx]



We are glad to inform you that the University of Turin, with the support of the European Commission and the banking foundation Compagnia di San Paolo under FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND Action, is going to launch the 2nd Call of 2020 RESEARCHERS: TRAIN TO MOVE (T2M) programme.

The 1st call for proposals received a high interest with a total of 170 applications, and it granted 14 fellows who are going to start their fellowships at university departments in the next months.

With the 2nd Call, T2M programme intends to offer 14 more grants to high skilled researchers, giving them the opportunity to carry out a research project at one of 26 hosting departments of the University and to attend a unique training on soft skills.

The T2M experience will contribute to the development of personal transferable skills of awarded fellows and will train them for developping careers in academic and non-academic sectors.

The 2nd T2M call for proposals is now open. Deadline for submission is the 5th of May 2015.

All useful information is available at www.train2move.unito.it

Best regards,

Claudia Barale

Serena Ballarin

Gaia Bettinelli


T2M Project Management Team