Friday 3 July
John Marincola Ὁμηρικώτατος? Battle narratives in Herodotus Anthony Kaldellis What can we learn about Herodotus from his fifteenth-century imitator Laonikos Chalkokondyles of Athens?Saturday 4 July
Angus Bowie Herodotus the story-teller; Melina Tamiolaki Friendship narratives in Herodotus;
Ioannis Konstantakos Time, thy Pyramids: the family novella of Mycerinus (Hdt. 2.129–134); Patrick Finglass
Periander and Oedipus: a reconsideration; Reinhold Bichler Herodotus the geographer; Vasiliki Zali
Herodotus mapping out his genre: the interaction of myth and geography in the Libyanlogos; Antonis Tsakmakis Cyprus’ one year of freedom and the economy of Herodotus’ narrative; Stephanie West Agariste’s marriage (Hdt. 6.126-130) Tim Rood Cyrus the ethnographer: Herodotus 9.122 and the meaning of the historiesSunday 5 July
Greg Nagy Herodotus and the courtesans of Naucratis’; Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis Material and sensory approaches to Herodotus; Maria Xanthou Herodotus and his signs: artifacts, mind-mapping and historiography; Smaro Nikolaidou Ἱστορέειν και θωμάζειν: Όροι επιστημονικότητας (και ενότητας) στο έργο του Ηροδότου; Nikolay Grintser Herodotus and the intellectual discussions of the fifth century on literature and language; Scarlett Kingsley Herodotus on truthful historiē: Parmenidean epistemology and historical narrative; Rosalind Thomas Truth and authority in Herodotus' narrative: false stories and true stories; Paul Demont Herodotus on health and disease; Elizabeth Irwin Herodotus on medicine and empire21.30 Aristophanes Acharnians in the ΦΡΥΝΙΧΟΣ Theatre, directed by Yiannis Kakleas