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Riminder, Abstract or Paper submission to the 4th QQML2012 International Conference, Limerick, Ireland, May 22-25, 2012

Title: Dear Colleagues,

Dear Colleagues,


Don’t miss the 3rd-round submissions to the 4th QQML2012 International Conference that ends at 30 January 2012.


Please think of abstract or paper submission and disseminate this Call for Papers to your colleagues.

[Those of you who have already email your abstract(s) or paper(s) during the previous call, please ignore this announcement]


The Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML 2012) aims to bring together researchers and scientists from academia, libraries, archives, museums, from governmental and non government organizations to present new results and identify future research interests.


To fulfil QQML goals and success we are inviting proposals for: 

  • Conference Sessions of 4-6 paper presentations.
  • Conference Workshops: 2 – 5 hour workshops.
  • Pecha- Kucha presentations: 5-7 minute presentations.
  • New researchersresearch results.
  • Poster presentations.


Poster presentations offer you the opportunity to share research findings or innovative applications. An effective poster should focus on a single message and display an essential content in the title, main headings and graphics.

Please submit (as an email attachment to secretariat@xxxxxxxxx) a 300 abstract (in MS Word format) describing your poster. Posters should be no larger than A1 size (841mm Χ 1189mm) portrait style. The final posters presentations should not exceeding 2,500 words.

Please visit http://www.isast.org/sessionsworkshops.html to find the list of Sessions.
Perhaps you have another topic relevant to the library theory and practice to propose. We would like to tell us about!


Awards: The Candidate Doctors and Master Students have the opportunity to present their research projects to the LIS community. If you like to submit to the competition, please take into account of the following:

  • One paper submission per person is accepted.
  • The project research must be near completion (e.g. analysis of the data, conclusions from the research findings).
  • The final version of the full papers must be submitted by April 1st, 2012.
  • Students whose papers are accepted are required to register for and attend the QQML 2012 International Conference in Limerick, Ireland, on May 22-25, 2012.


The deadline for abstract/paper/poster/sessions/workshops proposals is the 30 of January 2012.

 If you have any questions concerning the Call for Proposals, please contact:

Anthi Katsirikou, anthi@xxxxxxxxx and secretariat@xxxxxxxxx

Looking forward to welcoming you in Limerick,

Kind regards,


Anthi Katsirikou, Conference Co-Chair

Librarian, PhD, MSc

QQML Conference co-chair

Director, University of Piraeus Library

Coordinator of European Documentation Centers in Greece

Adjunct Lecturer at TEI of Athens

Member of the Board of the Association of Greek Librarians and Information Professionals



Jerald Cavanagh BSc Econ, MSc, MA, Local Committee Co-Chair
Institute Librarian
Institute of Technology

Limerick, Rep of Ireland

e-Mail:  jerald.cavanagh@xxxxxx


Padraig Kirby BA (Hons) HdipLIS, Local Committee Co-Chair

Acting Senior Library Assistant

The Library

Limerick Institute of Technology

Moylish Park

Limerick, Republic of Ireland
