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European Commission - Call for proposals - Knowledge Alliances/Partnerships

ΘΕΜΑ: European Commission - Call for proposals - Knowledge Alliances/Partnerships

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Χαρά Τριγύρη [mailto:trigyri@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]




Dear Sir / Madam,


We are pleased to inform you that the Commission has published on 30 March 2012 a call for proposals on the development of Knowledge Alliances.


Following last year's call for proposals (EAC/19/2011) and building on its success, the European Parliament (EP) has decided to allocate also for 2012 one Million Euros to the further development of this pilot action. This action will also allow preparing the implementation of the Knowledge Alliances proposed in the upcoming Erasmus for All programme 2014-2020.


The Knowledge Alliances are part of the Innovation Union flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 strategy; they are structured partnerships between education institutions and innovation players, aiming at developing Europe's innovation potential.


All relevant documents for the call for proposals are available at:



We would also like to ask you to disseminate this information to your partner organisations and networks.


Kind regards,

The University-Business Forum team




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