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Invitation for students to an academic summer seminar!

Good afternoon,

My name is Petruta Cirdei, I am the Executive President of ISHA Bucharest, a section of the International Students of History Association (ISHA is an international students organization, founded in 1990's with the aim to bring students together under events like this one). This summer, between the 3rd and the 9th of July we are organizing a summer seminar for history students and for other connected sciences like political science, international relations, european studies, philosophy, letters, sociology, journalism.

This is an invitation adressed to all your students and the reason we decided to invite them is because until now, we haven't seen any students from you departments/faculties in our ISHA events. The participants can be Bachelor, Master's degree of Phd students. Please share the information with all the students, maybe some of them are interested in participating.

In the attachement you will find the application form and some other details about the seminar.

For any questions or anything please let us know.
Thank you for everything,
Petruta Cirdei.

Petruţa Cȋrdei
Asociaţia Studenţilor la Istorie "DACIA" -  Universitatea din Bucureşti
e-mail: petruta.cirdei@xxxxxxxxxx
tel: 0744950478 / 0728729695

Attachment: ISHA Bucharest invitation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Application form.doc
Description: MS-Word document