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Research partners search - PS: FP7- Toxicants, environmental pollutants and water resources management

ΘΕΜΑ: Research partners search - PS: FP7- Toxicants, environmental pollutants and water resources management

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Michelidaki Eva [mailto:michelidaki@xxxxxxxxxxxx]


Παρακαλούμε δείτε το σχετικό link: http://news.uoc.gr/news/2012/06-06/files2.zip






PS: FP7 Collaborative research - Toxicants, environmental pollutants and water resources management



Orientation paper 2013: Draft Work Programme For 2013 Environment Research


Deadline for answers: 30/07/2012



The Italian National Agency for Energy, new technologies and Sustainable economic development is working to submit a FP7 Collaborative research proposal based on the definition/evaluation of a new class of aquatic pollutants (mixtures of toxic compounds, so-called priority substances - pharmaceutically active compounds, drugs) and on the BAT (Best Available Technology) for their treatment, also through a prototype realization. The Agency is looking for SMEs, research centres, technology centres, universities to join the proposal as coordinator and partners.


Type of target Partner:


·         SME

·         Research/Technology Centre

·         University


You’ll find detailed information enclosed.

In case of interest, please fill in the dedicated form and send it back to me.


Best regards,







Luigi Pavia

Technology Transfer Unit - VALNET

ENEA - Italian National Agency for New technologies, Energy and Sustainable economic development

Tel. +39 081 77 23 330

Piazzale Enrico Fermi  (Località Granatello)

80055 Portici (NA) - ITALY






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