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Preliminary PROGRAMME of NARNIA training course on ANCIENT MOSAICS, 11-14 October 2012, University of Cyprus

The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus is pleased to
announce a four-day training course entitled "Mosaics in the  field. Issues
of iconography, material selection and preservation" which will be held
between the 11th and 14th of October 2012 in Nicosia. The training course is
organised in the framework of the New Archaeological Research Network for
Integrating Approaches to ancient material studies (NARNIA) Project, a Marie
Curie Initial Training Network, funded by the FP7 of the European Union.

The main objective of the training course is to introduce participants to
issues related to mosaic iconography and technology. Although a major part
of the course will be theoretical and will consist of taught lectures
focusing on important issues related to mosaic history and iconography, the
preservation of ancient mosaics, and techniques of conservation, it will
also be enriched with visits to the archaeological sites of Kourion and
Paphos. Furthermore, the concept of preventive conservation for materials
and structures will be discussed, including examples of different practices
in the Eastern Mediterranean. Participants will also have the opportunity to
watch a demonstration of traditional mosaic making by a professional

The course is open to interested researchers outside the NARNIA community
and participation is free of charge. Priority will be given to graduate
students who specialise in this topic.  You are kindly asked to express your
interest by Monday, the 20th of August 2012, as places are limited and will
be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Below you may find the provisional programme of the training course, which
is still subject to change.

Training Course Programme

Thursday, 11.10.2012

14.30-15.00 Registration

15.00-15.15 Welcome Address

15.15-16.15 Anne-Marie GUIMIER-SORBETS, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre
La Défense

“The mosaics of Alexandria and Delos ”

16.15-16.35  Adele LAGI

“Restauration and musealisation of a mixed technique (pebble-tessellatum)
mosaic from Volceii / Buccino (SA)”

16.35-17.35 Stefano DE CARO, Director-General ICCROM

"Mosaics in Ancient Campania"

17.35-18.00 Coffee break

18.00-19.00 Katherine M. D. DUNBABIN, McMaster University

“The mosaics of Zeugma on the Euphrates: visual culture on the Roman

Friday, 12.10.2012

8.30 -9.30 Demetrios MICHAELIDES, University of Cyprus

“The mosaics of Roman Cyprus”

9.30 – 10.30 Stavroula MARKOULAKI,

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 -12.00  Mosaics of North Africa/or Europe - Speaker and title to be

12.00 -13.00   Vincent NEGRI, French National Body for Scientific Research

"Mosaics as legal objects: how the law deals with some archaeological

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00- 18.30 Visit to the archaeological site of Kourion

Saturday, 13.10.2012

8.30-9.30  (10) Veronique VASSAL, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La
“Some observations and analysis of mortar pavements in Mediterranean area”

9.30 -10.30 Michele MACCHIAROLA, CNR - Institute of Science and Technology
for Ceramics

"Mosaic materials" (tesserae and mortars; their characteristics,
classification and deterioration processes)

10.  30 – 11.30 Cristina BOSCHETTI, University of Nottingham and University
of Padua

“Vitreous materials and the origin of glass tesserae in Roman mosaics from
Italy: an interdisciplinary approach”

11.30 -12.00 Coffee break

12.00 -13.00   Marco VERITA, Laboratorio di Analisi dei Materiali Antichi
LAMA, Università IUAV di Venezia

“title to be announced”

13.00  - 14.00 Elisabetta NERI,

“Considerations on the glass mosaic materials: an archeological-archeometric
approach. Some examples from Milan”

14.00 -15.00 Lunch Break

15.00 – 16.00 Rossella ARLETTI, University of Turin

“title to be announced”

16.00 – 17.00 Michele MACCIAROLA, CNR - Institute of Science and Technology
for Ceramics

"Study and conservation of mosaics" (analytical study of mosaic materials;
conservation of mosaics with case studies; brief explanations about
restoration mortars characteristics, guide lines on restoration mortars and
EU Standards)

Sunday, 14.10.2012

Visit to the World Heritage site of Paphos and demonstration of traditional
mosaic making by a professional craftsman

Additional information

Venue: 11-14 October 2012, Archaeological Research Unit, University of
Cyprus, Nicosia (please note that the training course starts in the
afternoon of the 11th of October).

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Demetrios Michaelides, Director of the
Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus

No. of places available: a limited number of places is available. In order
to secure a place, please express your interest by email to Maria
Dikomitou-Eliadou ( <mailto:m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx> m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx).

Fee: No fee. The coffee breaks and excursions are covered by the NARNIA
project and are offered for free to all participants. The cost of travel to,
and lunches and accommodation while in Cyprus is not provided by the
organisers or the project.

For enquiries please contact Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou, email:
<mailto:m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx> m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx

The finalised program of the training course will be announced soon at the
NARNIA project website ( <http://narnia-itn.eu/training-courses/>

Maria Dikomitou Eliadou

Project Manager

New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to ancient
material studies (NARNIA)

FP7 - PEOPLE - Marie Curie European Actions

 <http://www.narnia-itn.eu> www.narnia-itn.eu

Research Fellow

Archaeological Research Unit

Department of History and Archaeology
University of Cyprus
P.O.Box 20537 CY-1678 NICOSIA Cyprus

email:  <mailto:m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx> m.dikom@xxxxxxxxx

tel.     +357-22-893573
fax:    +357-22-674101

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