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[grids] HP-SEE Pilot Call for Access to Regional HPC Resources

ΘΕΜΑ: [grids] HP-SEE Pilot Call for Access to Regional HPC Resources

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Χαρά Τριγύρη [mailto:trigyri@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]










Ακολουθεί ή ανακοίνωση της πρόσκληση για υποβολή προτάσεων για πρόσβαση σε υπερ-υπολογιστικά συστήματα τα οποία προσφέρονται από το έργο HP-SEE (http://www.hp-see.eu).


Λεπτομέρειες μπορείτε να βρείτε και στο:  http://www.hp-see.eu/hp-see-pilot-call-announcement.


Pilot Call for Access to HP-SEE Systems


The HP-SEE, High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities (http://www.hp-see.eu) project opens a pilot call for proposals, for project access to HPC resources available in the region of South East Europe. The call is addressed to scientists of the region in the fields of Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Life Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Engineering. Via this call the HP-SEE project makes it possible for regional scientists from the above-mentioned scientific disciplines to have access to thenational HPC systems available in South East Europe.

In collaboration with the LinkSCEEM-2 project (http://www.linksceem.eu/ls2/), HP-SEE will also provide limited resources to applications from the Eastern Mediterranean region.Access will be awarded for a period of 12 months, beginning 1st of December 2012.

The resource architectures available for this call span from a BlueGene/P Supercomputer, x86 based HPC clusters with high speed interconnect, to clusters with GPUs, and will be provided by Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia.

Scope and criteria of access

The pilot call enables researches from the South Eastern Europe region to obtain access to powerful national High Performance Computing systems available in the SEE region. Project Proposals must be of high scientific and social value.

The principles for acceptance of projects to available resources will be:


·      Scientific Excellence

·      Impact of the proposed research

·      The need for HPC resources

·      Experience of the principal investigator and their team

·      Provision of access to new scientific communities not previously associated to the HP-SEE project

·      Fair access to the resources from all countries of the region

·      Feasibility of the project based in a technical evaluation and the availability of resources

·      A limited number of applications will be selected for this 1st pilot call in the region (around 10 projects).


Eligible applicants are scientists affiliated with academic or research institutions from the following countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Applications from the Eastern Mediterranean region will be proposed from LinkSCEEM-2and final decision for time allocations will be taken from the HP-SEE pilot call’s access committee (see bellow).

Applicants should commit to the usage of the resources that will be allocated to them as well as providing reports of their work based on the proposed time schedule (see bellow).  Further to that scientists should acknowledge the use of the HP-SEE infrastructure in all publications presenting results obtained from using the allocated resources.

Available Systems

A hybrid HPC cluster offering a 3.2 TFlops CPU (Intel Xeon X5560) sub-cluster and a 4.6 Tflops double precision GPU sub-cluster is being available in Bulgaria. Two AMDOpteron HPC clusters with 5.4 and 14 Tflops performance respectively, an SGIUltraviolet SMP machine with a performance of 10 Tflops, an SGI HPC system with Intel Xeon processors offering a performance of 18 Tflops being available in Hungary.  An Intel Xeon based HPC cluster with a performance of 6 Tflops being available from Serbia. An Intel Xeon based HPC cluster with 2.72 Tflops performance, a GPU Cluster with 480 GPU cores, and a BlueGene/P Supercomputer with a performance of 13.4Tflops begin offered by Romania. A 7.76 Tflops HPC cluster with Intel Xeon processors being offered by FYR of Macedonia.

In total around 4.6 Million CPU core hours and 1.8 Million GPU Core hours will be available for the selected scientific projects. The number of cores available in the HPCsystems range from, 256 to 4096 for the CPU based systems, and from 480 to 3584 for the GPU systems.

Application process

All proposals should be submitted electronically via the following link:http://survey.ipb.ac.rs/hp-see-pilot-call.

The Pilot call organizing committee will be available to answer questions while the call is open. You can contact the pilot call OC by e-mail at oc-pilot-call@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Deadline for submission of proposals to the pilot call is Friday the 5th of October 2012, at 18:00 CEST.

Process details and deadlines

After the close of the call at the 5th of October 2012 at 18:00 CEST the pilot call organizing committee will validate the applications and in cases clarifications are needed those have to be provided by the 10th of October.

The proposals will undergo a technical review in order to determine the suitability of running the applications in the requested system. Technical reviewers are allowed to ask for clarifications from applicants. Technical reviewers are experts of the participating HPC centers (Centers offering resources to the plot call) and are assigned based on the type of system requested from applicants.


After the technical evaluation, the proposals will undergo scientific peer review by selected scientific reviewers from all the participating countries in the region. The peer review will be performed based on the following principles:  

·      Scientific reviewers are selected based on the scientific field of each proposal.

·      The reviewer’s country should be different from the applicants country (Primary Investigator is taken into account).

·      Applicant does not know the scientific reviewer’s name.

·      Results of review are sent to the applicant.

·      Applicants have the right to provide clarifications to the review.

·      Final review report is created from the reviewer


The pilot call access committee does the prioritization of applications based on the criteria set in Section “Scope and criteria of access” of this document.


The applicants will be notified of the final results of the evaluation and successful applicants will receive further details on the system they got access to and the process to obtain user accounts. 


Time table:


·      Opening date: 7th September 2012.

·      Closing Date: 5th October 2012, at 18:00 CEST

·      Question to applicants by organizing committee (if needed): 9th of October

·      Clarification provided by applicants if needed: 12th of October 2012

·      Initial Scientific Review provided to applicants: 26th of October

·      Response of Applicants to reviewers (if needed): 31st October 2012

·      Final Scientific Review sent to applicants (if needed): 7th November 2012

·      Anticipated allocation decisions: 21st November  2012

·      Allocation Start Date of awarded proposals: 1st of December 2012

·      1st Report from successful project primary investigator: 15th May 2013

·      Allocation end date of award: 30th November 2013

·      Final report from successful project primary investigator: 20th December 2013.


For any queries related to applications please contact: oc-pilot-call@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



HP-SEE, High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities works across strategic lines of action to link existing and upcoming HPC facilities in South East Europe in a common infrastructure, and to provide operational solutions for it, as well as HPC user and applications support. As a complementary action, the project has established and maintains two GÉANT links for Southern Caucasus. The initiative opens the South East European HPC infrastructure to a wide range of new user communities, including those of less-resourced countries, fostering collaboration and providing advanced capabilities to researchers, with an emphasis on strategic groups in computational physics, computational chemistry and life sciences.  HP-SEE receives EC support through FP7 under the "Research Infrastructures" action.



Ioannis Liabotis
Project Manager - Computing Infrastructure
Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET)
Mesogion Avenue 56, 4th Floor
GR-11527, Ampelokipi, Athens, Greece
Tel.:+30 210 7474248 Mob.: +30 6947241044
Fax.: +30 210 7474490
Email:iliaboti@grnet.gr WWW: http://www.grnet.gr




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