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QS Rankings Projects 2013 - Invitation to submit sources for survey exercise

Title: QS Rankings Projects 2013 - Invitation to submit sources for survey exercise

From: Michelidaki Eva [mailto:michelidaki@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Subject: QS Rankings Projects 2013 - Invitation to submit sources for survey exercise





For any academic who would like to participate in the Academic Reputation Survey for the QS World University Ranking 


Για τυχόν επιπλέον πληροφορίες παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με την κ. Κ. Κόδριγκτον,  ccodring@admin.uoc.gr, εσωτ. τηλ. 3179.



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:07 PM

Subject: QS Rankings Projects 2013 - Invitation to submit sources for survey exercise


Institution supplied lists for QS rankings and related projects 2013

We at QS believe that the key features shared by any university that aspires to become world-class are strengths in research quality, teaching quality, graduate employability and internationalisation.

The Academic Reputation Index is an approach to international university evaluation that, in concert with the Employer Reputation Index, is the defining feature which sets the QS World University Rankings clearly apart from any other.

All projections forecast that global demand for international education is set to continue to grow rapidly and as a logical step, QS launched its regional rankings, added subjects and more dimensions by introducing the QS WUR by Subject, the QS Stars rating system and other assessments.

Academic - , Employer Reputation Index and Scopus data are an integral part of all projects and by inviting your institution to supply us with contact details and Scopus name variations we provide you with an opportunity to actively contribute to enhance quantity and quality of this exercise.

The sign-up facility is considered as an additional tool if you face the challenge of data protection and you may not be able to forward contact details of academic/employers without prior consent.

Academic Questionnaire – sign up – 2013

Please feel free to contact us should you need any information/clarifications. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Thanks and best regards,

Baerbel Eckelmann
Research Manager, 

QS Intelligence Unit 

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