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Ομιλία του καθηγητή Yoshiki Hori

H Πρωτοβουλία για την Ανάδειξη της Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς να σας προσκαλεί στην ομιλία του καθηγητή
Yoshiki Hori,
Environmental Engineering, Planning and Design Section,
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Kyushu University, Japan

την Τετάρτη 23/1/13 στις 3:20
με θέμα
he principles of laser-scanning of archaeological sites and its current development for archaeology',
πολιτιστικό ίδρυμα του ομίλου Πειραιώς
Αγγ. Γέροντα 6, 105 58 Αθήνα

The Initiative for Heritage Conservancy is inviting you to a talk by prof.
Yoshiki Hori,

Environmental Engineering, Planning and Design Section,
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Kyushu University, Japan

on Wednesday 23/1/13 at 3:20pm
he principles of laser-scanning of archaeological sites and its current development for archaeology',
at the Cultural centre of the Piraeus Bank Foundation
Agg. Geronta 6, 10558 Plaka, Athens

Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis, fsa
Senior Lecturer in Aegean Prehistory
Leventis Senior Fellow in Heritage Management
University of Kent, Canterbury

Director, Initiative for Heritage Conservancy, Greece

MA in Heritage Management