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Hanna Lassen, Danish Institute - Retirement reception Invitation

Dear Friends of the Danish Institute at Athens,

On the occasion that Hanna Lassen is retiring after 21 years as secretary/receptionist at the Danish Institute at Athens, we are pleased to invite you to a reception at the Institute on Friday 27. September.

An invitation in Greek and English is attached to this mail.

We would be very happy if you would help us celebrate Hanna and thank her for all the invaluable work that she has undertaken throughout the years.

Søren Handberg, MA, PhD
Amanuensis/Assistant director
The Danish Institute at Athens
Herefondos 14
GR-10558 Athens
Tel:  +30 2103244644
Fax: +30 2103247230


Attachment: Invitation ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΆ.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Invitation ENGLISH.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document