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Reminder: IMBB Seminar - Maurizio De Pittà, Thursday May 8th 2014

ΘΕΜΑ: Reminder: IMBB Seminar - Maurizio De Pittà, Thursday May 8th 2014

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Maria Stiakaki - IMBB Secretariat [mailto:mariast@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]


Thursday, May 8th 2014
Seminar Room 1, FORTH first floor
Time: 12.00 noon
Title: Do Astrocytes Compute? Making the Point on Neuron-Glia Interactions.
Dr. Maurizio De Pittà
EPI BEAGLE, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Université de Lyon LIRIS, 69006 
Villeurbane, France
In recent years, the simultaneous recognition that astrocytes sense neighboring neuronal activity and
release neuroactive agents (or “gliotransmitters”) has been instrumental in the uncovering of the
many possible roles played by these cells in the regulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal
activity. These findings suggested that information travels and is processed not just in the neuronal
circuitry but in an expanded neuron-glia network. However much remains elusive about the role of
astrocyte signaling in brain computation. Inspired by recent experiments on neuron-astrocyte
interactions at cortical synapses, I will present theoretical arguments that suggest novel possible
mechanisms whereby astrocytes could take part in the processing and storage of information by the
brain. From subcellular to network levels, the analysis of the signaling pathways underlying these
mechanisms refines our notion of neural communication and has profound implications on our
understanding of brain function.
Host: Yiota Poirazi

The seminar will be broadcasted live and can be viewed using the following link:

Seminars will also become available for watching at IMBB's YouTube Channel:



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