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DENDRITES 2014, July 1-4, 2014, FORTH. Participation opportunities for local students

ΘΕΜΑ: DENDRITES 2014, July 1-4, 2014, FORTH. Participation opportunities for local students

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Maria Stiakaki - IMBB Secretariat [mailto:mariast@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]


Καλή σας μέρα,

θα ήθελα να ενημερώσω ότι υπάρχει δυνατότητα ένας αριθμός φοιτητών (προπτυχιακοί και μεταπτυχιακοί) του Παν. Κρήτης να παρακολουθήσουν το συνέδριο DENDRITES 2014 με κόστος εγγραφής 60 ευρώ (αντί 150) για το κυρίως μέρος (1-3 Ιουλίου) και επιπλέον 15 ευρώ (αντί 30) για το soft skills day (4 Ιουλίου). Το κόστος αυτό περιλαμβάνει το συνεδριακό υλικό, καφέ και μεσημεριανό φαγητό. Παρακαλώ τους ενδιαφερόμενους φοιτητές να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί μου άμεσα (poirazi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) , ώστε να κρατηθούν οι συγκεκριμένες θέσεις. Το κόστος εγγραφής τις ημέρες του συνεδρίου (on site) θα είναι το κανονικό (150 & 30 ευρώ).

Το συνέδριο είναι εξαιρετική ευκαιρία για τους φοιτητές μας να ακούσουν ομιλίες από τους καλύτερους επιστήμονες στο χώρο των νευροεπιστημών, συμπεριλαμβανομένου και ενός Νομπελίστα.

ευχαριστώ πολύ,

Γιώτα Ποϊράζη
Διευθύντρια Ερευνών

Good morning,

I would like to inform you that a small number of undergrad and graduate students of the University of Crete can attend the DENDRITES 2014 meeting for a low registration fee: 60 Euro (instead of 150) for the main event (July 1-3) and 15 Euro (intead of 30) for the soft skills day (optional, July 4). The cost includes conference material, coffee and lunch breaks. Interested students are kindly asked to contact me as soon as possible (poirazi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) as places are limited and will be made available on a first-come first serve basis. On site registration is possible at the normal registration fees (150 + 30 Euro).

This is an excellent opportunity for local students to attend a meeting where the most important speakers of the field of Neuroscience, including a  Nobel  Laureate, will present their work.


Yiota Poirazi
Research Director



4th NAMASEN Training Workshop
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
July 1-4, 2014


Dendrites 2014 aims to bring together scientists from around the world to present their research on dendrites, ranging from the molecular to the anatomical and biophysical levels.  The Workshop will take place in the beautiful island of Crete, just after the AREADNE meeting (areadne.org) which takes place in the nearby island of Santorini. Note that Santorini is just a 2 hour boat ride from Crete. One could combine two meetings in a single trip to Greece!


The meeting consists of the Main Event (July 1-3) and the Soft Skills Day (July 4).  Invited speakers for the Main Event include: 

* Susumu Tonegawa (Nobel Laureate),  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

* Angus SilverUniversity College London

* Tiago Branco,  Medical Research Council

* Alcino J. Silva, University of California, Los Angeles

* Michael HäusserUniversity College London

* Julietta U. Frey, Georgia Regents University

* Stefan RemyUniversity of Bonn

* Kristen Harris, University of Texas - Austin

* Jeff Magee, Janelia Farms

* Panayiota Poirazi, FORTH

For the Soft Skills Day, Kerri Smith, Nature podcast editor, is going to present on communication and dissemination of scientific results.  Alcino J. Silva (UCLA) will present his recent work on developing tools for integrating and planning research in Neuroscience. There will be a hands on session on tools used to model neural cells/networks and a talk about the advantages of publishing under the Creative Commons License.

Please see the conference web site (http://dendrites2014.gr/), subscribe to our twitter (https://twitter.com/dendrites2014) or RSS feeds (http://dendrites2014.gr/rss_feed/news.xml), or send an email to info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Panayiota Poirazi, Ph.D.
Research Director
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)
Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)
Vassilika Vouton, P.O.Box 1385
GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete, GREECE
Tel: +30 2810 391139
Fax: +30 2810 391101
Εmail: poirazi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx




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