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IMBB Open Lecture - Susumu Tonegawa, Nobel Laureate. July 2nd 2014 @ 15:30

ΘΕΜΑ: IMBB Open Lecture - Susumu Tonegawa, Nobel Laureate. July 2nd 2014 @ 15:30

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Maria Stiakaki - IMBB Secretariat [mailto:mariast@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]




DENDRITES 2014 -- 4th NAMASEN Training Workshop on Dendrites

Susumu TONEGAWA, Nobel Laureate

Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience

Director, RIKEN-MIT, Center for Neural Circuit Genetics

Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Director, RIKEN Brain Science Institute


Title: "Control of temporal association memory by feedforward dendritic inhibition".



Wednesday, July 2nd 2014 @ 15:30 (note that the lecture starts exactly at 15:30)
Georgios Lianis Amphitheater, FORTH's bldg


Information: Yiota Poirazi (poirazi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Short Bio:

Dr. Susumu Tonegawa received his Ph.D. from UCSD. He then undertook postdoctoral work at the Salk Institute in San Diego, before working at the Basel Institute for Immunology in Basel, Switzerland, where he performed his landmark immunology experiments. Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1987 for “his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity”. He has since continued to make important contributions but in an entirely different field: neuroscience. Using advanced techniques of gene manipulation, Tonegawa is now unraveling the molecular, cellular and neural circuit mechanisms that underlie learning and memory. His studies have broad implications for psychiatric and neurologic diseases. Tonegawa is currently the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT as well as the Director of RIKEN Brain Science Institute.

Panayiota Poirazi, Ph.D.
Director of Research
Computational Biology Laboratory
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)
Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)
Vassilika Vouton
P.O.Box 1385
GR 711 10 Heraklion, Crete
Tel: +30 2810 391139
Fax: +30 2810 391101
Εmail: poirazi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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