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[Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium 2015] Abstract submission deadline extended to May 26, 2015

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Dear Colleagues,

Only two weeks to go to the final submission date for abstracts for the LAIS 2015.
final submission deadline * May 26, 2015 *.

You may register and upload your abstract on the conference website
The abstract templates can be found at

We remind you that a training course on the new DosiVox software, developped at the IRAMAT-CRP2A laboratory (Bordeaux, France), will be held on tuesday, 1st September. It is open to a limited number of participants(more information on the conference web-site).
Please send expression of interest to: lais15@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The 3rd Luminescence in Archaeology International Symposium (L.A.I.S.) will be held in Paris, France, from the 2nd to the 4th of September, 2015. It will be hosted by the Dating Group, Centre de Recherche et Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), Palais du louvre, Paris (France)

L.A.I.S. 2015 continues the series of symposia initiated in Delphi 2009 and Lisbon 2012. It is an international initiative focussing on the use of luminescence for the dating and analysis of materials and questions of archaeological significance; in addition it supports archaeological and archaeometrical communities of the World to further develop and
expose luminescence issues.

    Theme 1 - Museum objects ;
    Theme 2 - Ceramics, stone, glass and metals;
    Theme 3 - Reconstruction of environments in archaeological sites .

    Focus 1 - Dosimetry and Dating ;
    Focus 2 - Spectroscopy and analysis of materials.

The L.A.I.S.2015 organizers would be grateful if you would communicate
this announcement to your colleagues and students studying luminescence
phenomena in archaeological and cultural heritage materials, or applying luminescence data to archaeological and cultural heritage problems.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris,

Best wishes,

On behalf of the Organising Committee of LAIS 2015.

Antoine Zink

Centre de recherche et restauration des musées de France
Palais du Louvre - Porte des Lions
14 quai François Mitterrand
75001 Paris

tel: +33-(0)1 40 20 56 63
fax: +33-(0)1 47 03 32 46

# Symposium international de luminescence en archéologie #
# LAIS15 du 2 au 4 septembre 2015 au C2RMF Carrousel #

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