ΘΕΜΑ: InnovCrete Seminar: Dan S. Tawfik @ 22/04/2016, 12:00 ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Rodanthi Lasithiotaki - Secretariat IMBB [mailto:rodanthi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] InnovCrete Seminar
FORTH Amphitheatre I will briefly describe our insights regarding how new enzymatic functions evolve, via gradual, small changes in sequence, and while preserving the overall structure (fold) and active-site architecture. However, the mechanisms underlying these evolutionary micro-transitions do not explain the macro evolutionary transitions – how completely new folds emerge, let alone how the very first protein(s) evolve. The latter are thought to have emerged from short polypeptides. I will describe our findings with respect to how functional, globular proteins may emerge from short peptides. |