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Teach With Erasmus + project: Survey on Teaching Mobility open until 20 September

ΘΕΜΑ: Teach With Erasmus + project: Survey on Teaching Mobility open until 20 September

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: International Relations - University of Crete <intrelations@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Dear Colleagues,


You are receiving this email as registered users on the IMOTION Staffmobility.eu platform.


We would like to draw your attention to the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership project “Teach with Erasmus+” (TWE+), implemented by a consortium coordinated by Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and including UniLaSalle, University of Alcala, UNICA, and the European University Foundation. The project aims at enhancing the accessibility and quality of teaching mobility and at developing an online platform collecting information on teaching mobility opportunities. The new platform will be a logical continuation of the well-known IMOTION platform - maintained by UNICA and centralising information about training activities for university administrative and technical staff.


As a first step in the project implementation, the project Consortium has launched a SURVEY TO EXPLORE ACADEMICS' ATTITUDE TOWARDS TEACHING MOBILITY, their perceptions regarding institutional support, the possible impact of mobility, and the main obstacles to participation.


Both academics who participated in teaching mobility programmes and academics who did not participate are invited to take the survey.


The survey is available at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/teachwitherasmus


Deadline: 20 September 2019



We would very much appreciate your cooperation in disseminating the survey to teaching staff within your institution.


Best regards,




UNICA Secretariat

c/o University Foundation

Rue d’Egmont 11 | 1000 Brussels | Belgium

Tel: +32/(0)2/514 79 00
