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Training Course "Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health" (June 26th, 2023)

ΘΕΜΑTraining Course "Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health"  (June 26th, 2023)

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Anna Doxastaki doxastaki@xxxxxx


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Σας γνωστοποιούμε τη διεξαγωγή training course με θέμα: "Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health"
που θα διεξαχθεί στις 26 Ιουνίου 2023 στο Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Παστέρ.


Από το Γραφείο Μεταφοράς Τεχνογνωσίας του ΠΚ,


Άννα Δοξαστάκη







Training Course

Innovation and Technology Transfer in Biological Sciences and Public Health

June 26th, 2023

Venue: Hellenic Pasteur Institute / Auditorium

Vas. Sofias 127, 11521 Athens, Greece

The Hellenic Pasteur Institute in collaboration with the Pasteur Network and the Pasteur Institute of Paris organize a workshop, be held on an international scale for participants from multiple countries and offers professional exposure and guidance on technical mastery which are crucial during process optimization, development, and transfer.

The training workshop consists of four immersive days of learning, with daily lectures. Participants learn about the importance and the actual implementation of technology transfer for innovative products development and manufacturing.

Day 1: General Concepts of Technology Transfer

Day 2: Intellectual Property Rights and their Protection

Day 3: Business opportunities: from scientific innovation to market

Day 4: Cross National Collaborations

Course aim

The neglected starting point. Learn how to identify the innovative potential within your own research.

The theory. Get to know the options that you have to bring your inventions to the market and generate economic growth

Expert talk. Get in touch with successful experts in Technology Transfer in life science companies and find out about the challenges they faced – and how they solved them.

Target group

Post-Doctoral Researchers and young researchers group leaders

Registration Deadline: 29 May 2023

Contact:  Dr. S.Kolyva,  s.kolyva@xxxxxxxxxx

              Dr. D. Toubanaki, dtouban@xxxxxxxxxx