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Annual Hellenic Biocluster Forum (June 15-17th)

ΘΕΜΑ: Annual Hellenic Biocluster Forum (June 15-17th)

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Anna Doxastaki doxastaki@xxxxxx



Σας ενημερώνουμε για τη διεξαγωγή του "Annual Hellenic Biocluster Forum" που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Αθήνα μεταξύ 15 και 17 Ιουνίου 2023.


Από το Γραφείο Μεταφοράς Τεχνογνωσίας του ΠΚ,





The annual Hellenic Biocluster Forum is  fast approaching on June 15-17th in Athens!

We have designed a 3-day programme, where we will be bringing together top regional decision-makers, researchers and the next generation of founders and investors to discuss how we can create and support disruptive innovation, to generate partnerships, as well as explore new business opportunities. We are aiming to have peers from around EU, focusing on networking during the breaks and through direct meetings using a dedicated B2B partnering platform.


By attending the HBio Forum, participants will be able to network with:

  • innovators from all around EU (spinoffs, startups, pharma, innovation agencies)
  • exhibitors from the Life Sciences & Health ecosystem in Greece and beyond presenting the latest in cutting edge technology
  • 25+ speakers from all around the globe discussing key topics such as how to support disruptive innovation
  • investors, while being able to pitch their idea!


A few facts on why we believe Greece is the emerging Biotech Hub in Europe:

  • Greek startups drew record investments raising over €500 million in funding!
  • 14% of all startups in Greece are within the Biosciences sector; the largest and fastest growing sector in Greece
  • 8% of all private R&D investments in Greece is in Pharma alone
  • 200+ pharmaceutical companies in Greece


We would love to welcome partners from your network!


Looking forward in seeing you in one of the biggest Life Sciences events of the year!


Many thanks for your support,







Stamatiki Kritas

Business Development Manager



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8, Kolokotroni str., Athens 105 61, Greece

T: (+30) 210 36 07 690 F: (+30) 210 36 36 109

Email: krita@xxxxxxx  

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