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Programme of International Workshop 'Out in the Open: exploring outdoor spaces, daily life and sociality in Neolithic Europe'

ΘΕΜΑ:  Programme of International Workshop 'Out in the Open: exploring outdoor spaces, daily life and sociality in Neolithic Europe'

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Evanthia Kalogiropoulou <ekalogiropoulou@xxxxxx>


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Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the Programme of the International Workshop ‘Out in the open: exploring outdoor spaces, daily life and sociality in Neolithic Europe’ that will be held on-line on Friday the 20th of October 2023 

‘Out in the open’ is the culminating event of the three-year research project ‘Beyond Oikos: outdoor spaces, daily life and sociality in Neolithic Greece’ (Number: 00229) https://bonds.keme.uoc.gr/, funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I) that has been hosted at the University of Crete with cooperative organisation with the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.

Details of the Workshop you can find in the web-site of the the BONDS project https://bonds.keme.uoc.gr/workshop/

Registration to the Workshop is required via zoom:

Please feel free to circulate.

With kind regards,

Evita Kalogiropoulou, Dr of Archaeology (PI)

Post-doctoral fellow

Depart. of History & Archaeology

University of Crete
