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Invitation to the UNED Library International Conference Open Libraries: open science, open learning for Erasmus participants

ΘΕΜΑ: Invitation to the UNED Library International Conference Open Libraries: open science, open learning for Erasmus participants

ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: Πρωτόκολλο Π.Κ. Ηρακλείου protokol-her@xxxxxxxxxxxx




Dear  Sir/Miss

Hope this email finds you well. 

We would like to inform you that in Fall 2024, from September 30th to October 2nd, the UNED Library, along with
UNESCO Chair in Distance Education (CUED), will hold the International Conference Open Libraries: open science, open learning, at UNED Faculty of Education, regarding the research and learning scenario in the current European context, and the role of university libraries as supporting units for universities in both processes. 

This conference is included into the frame of the Erasmus Staff Programme, so its impact and attendance will be both highly significant regarding researchers, librarians and technicians from many scientific support and dissemination units from Spanish and European Universities. 

Anyone interested in attending can apply within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, so travel costs can be covered by the programme if requested to your institution.  


We will have the opportunity to learn and talk about National and European programs, projects and propositions related to research within the frame of Open Science, as well as the technological infrastructure they require. Furthermore, the way open learning is changing the teaching model, lifelong learning, and how Artificial Intelligence has an impact on all of it, will be also main issues to talk and learn about. 


You can apply here

Remember you can apply within the Erasmus+ Programme. The registration for Erasmus attendees is free. 


 The information you will need for your mobility agreement is: 

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).   

Erasmus code: E MADRID01 


C/ Bravo Murillo 38,  

28015 Madrid 


Country: Spain  

Country Code: E 



Please, feel free as well to share this call with your colleagues at your library or institution. 


Thank you very much for your attention. 


For further information, please, contact us at erasmuslibrary@xxxxxxxxxxx 



Best regard


Biblioteca UNED - Administrative Secretary

C/ Paseo de Senda del Rey, 5

28040 Madrid

Telephone number: 0034 91 398 93 09

                       (15:00-20:00 GMT / UTC +1)

E-mail: erasmuslibrary@xxxxxxxxxxx


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