ΘΕΜΑ: OPEN CALL FOR TEACHING A GRADUATE COURSE AT THE ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CRETE, GREECE. ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΕΑΣ: research-support KEME research-support@xxxxxxxxxxx OPEN CALL FOR TEACHING A GRADUATE COURSE AT THE ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CRETE, GREECE. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program "Resilience in Educational Contexts" is looking for a lecturer to teach a graduate course (Working with Parents and Professionals in Promoting Resilience) for the spring semester 2025 (February to May) at the University of Crete. The course requires face-to-face teaching and a total of 25 contact hours. The language of instruction will be English. A Ph.D. in Psychology is required for the position. Teaching experience is preferred. More information about the program is available at www.flourishproject.mt. Please send a full CV by December 14, 2024 to Director of the Program Associate Professor Anastassios Matsopoulos (matsopoulos.global@xxxxxxxxx). |